Exploring the Science of Enterprise Architecture

The science of EA means different things to different people. One can’t possibly address it in one issue of A&G Magazine, nor have we tried. But what we have done is given you a smattering of insights and industry developments that may be worth a look.
First, in “When It’s Okay to Fail,” our authors explore the age-old concept of treating all results as positive signs along the road to success. To that end, they write about “changing the way we think about failure – treating it as the new normal and planning for it.”
Next, we have “Reference Architecture & Frameworks – A Consolidation.” The author does a very nice job of providing a concise and informative survey of the market. And don’t miss the pointers in the summary section on how to apply the concepts in real life.
We switch it up a bit beginning with a litany of articles that venture away from the traditional A&G approach. We begin with an article about the leader in higher education as far as EA is concerned – Penn State University has introduced a new Business Architecture Certificate, which “targets improving business strategy.” There’s also a piece about an interesting upcoming conference about the role of EA in the software architecture space. In addition, you’ll find a short article about Forrester’s take on how EA intersects with the Internet of Things movement.
Finally, in one of my favorites of the magazine, there’s an interesting business strategy piece from two University of Virginia professors about getting the most out of your team by using the hyper-learning approach.

About George Paras 28 Articles
George S. Paras is editor-in-chief of A&G and an EA mentor at EAdirections. Read his blog at eadirections.com.