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Applications & Technology

Besieged by Cyber Attacks, the Healthcare Industry Strives for Solutions

April 11, 2022 Holt Hackney 0

Last month, the U.S Department of Health and Human Service’s Office for Civil Rights reported (https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/security/guidance/cybersecurity-newsletter-first-quarter-2022/index.html) the bad news. The number of cybersecurity breeches involving healthcare entities that impacted 500 or more individuals due to […]

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IT Governance

Data Governance Checklist for Regulatory and Internal Audits of Reports

February 12, 2021 Sowmya Tejha Kandregula 0

An integral part of organizational data comprises of customer and employee data. This data is often used for crucial decision making – for instance improving sales, budget planning & allocation, resource utilization etc. At the same time, this data potentially contains sensitive customer and employee data. Therefore, while using this data for decision making, it becomes imperative to:   protect data from […]