What Can Technologists Learn from Marketing Gurus, Corporate Giants, and Design Methodologies?

By Lisa Woodall

Have you ever reflected on the complex landscape of modern business today and how the fusion of technology with strategic insights has emerged as being critical to success?

Have you considered how the most successful corporations understand that technology isn’t just about infrastructure or tools; it’s about how they drive business value, enhancing stakeholder experiences, and crafting compelling narratives?

The marketer, Seth Godin, succinctly highlights “Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make but the stories you tell.”

This principle applies equally to the tech world. Every enterprise solution, every data-driven decision, and every digital transformation initiative should align with a broader corporate narrative, enriching stakeholder value.

Consider the approach of Apple. It isn’t merely a tech company; it positions itself as a leader of experiences, revolutionizing how we interact with the digital world.

And here in the UK, ASOS stands out. Beyond being an e-commerce giant, it epitomizes the synergy of user-centric technology with strategic business objectives.

There are some key methodologies that can help us achieve the same success stories they help us understand experiences ahead of just focusing on technology.

Design Thinking serves as a cornerstone, emphasizing user needs and business goals. Before delving into solutions, it prompts corporations to ascertain: “What are the business objectives, and how do user needs align with them?”

Agile Development is often adopted by forward-thinking enterprises, promotes adaptability and iterative refinement. It champions stakeholder feedback, ensuring solutions are not only technologically sound but also business-relevant.

The Jobs-to-be-Done framework, meanwhile, transitions the focus from products to solutions. In a corporate setting, it’s about understanding the broader business objectives a product or service achieves.

The Intersection Groups EDGY language is also onto something – they see the future of corporate success lying at the intersection of architecture (technology), identity (strategic insights), and experience (user-centric methodologies)

Tomorrow’s tech landscape is an important canvas. With lessons from corporate giants, guidance from marketing gurus, and methodologies that enable execution. It’s up to us to reflect on these insights, look to those that are making a differences and apply the methodologies appropriately to make it count.

Woodall is Global Head of Discovery and Design of WPPIT.